Social Network reporting

By Hossam Alaidy – Social media can be an extremely effective if person knows how to get benefits from it, 300 millions more or less, are using facebook, about 20 millions registered with twitter and many more.

A million of Egyptians are using these networks, some use it just for
fun, others to exchange information, experiences, but very few of them report through these sites.

Numerous of Egyptians became aware of this development. Recently they
have started to knon how to get more benefits from these sites and not
just only using it for chatting with each other.

Many people from all over the world are using these possibilities to
solve their problems or questions and some for security or other reasons.

Not only were 6 crimes solved through facebook till May 2009, but also some people have found their missing relatives and families on it…

Many people are interested in the journalism field and they do not
know how to start; well here is your first step, through online media, to become a journalist without having a degree in journalism.

Make your own features to let the world know that you are here,  always be prepared and ready to work, hold your camera and recorder, watch the world around you closely, do not miss anything, either it is the first rose in bloom or early signs of war, do not fear any field as the world is offering so many and don’t forget to share it!!!!.

These days we are dealing with many kinds of bad things like

child abuse, homicides, kidnapping and also some good as helping and

caring for people. Make this as your first story, take some photos, get

some information, and talk to people.

Also you need to know that this job requires all your attention, time and efforts, it could be dangerous, depending on your field of interest, keep that in mind and watch out! After finishing your story, you can simply upload it to your favorite network, or even to make your own blog, and put all your babies there, don’t forget asking people to comment.

Your skills will be developed in time, do not give up! It is not easy job, but also in return it will give you all your needs if you became a pro.

Now you have made your first step of being journalist, but it is not enough, you have to read variety of books, magazine and newspapers, use the social network to train yourself and when you feel you are ready, start writing for online websites or printed publication.

Good luck!!!