International Womens’ Day: A plea to African mothers

By Khadi Mansaray – Our nations wallow in poverty. Some of your sons pick up guns and slaughter their people, our governments are full of corrupt leaders, HIV wipes out villages, crime and violence is on the increase. Weak men decide the fate of the suffering masses. African mothers what are you doing?

What did you teach your sons that some pick up guns to kill others, to rape, to abuse, to lie, steal and cheat? Or is it what you failed to teach them?

Did you teach them to respect every woman or did you teach them to respect just you?

When he killed that pet, did you shrug it off or did you teach him to respect life?

It’s time to teach your sons’ honesty and integrity, that there is satisfaction in honest labour. Teach your sons that promiscuity is not macho. The days are gone when STD’s could be cured with a dose of antibiotics, today it can cost them their life. They cannot afford to carry on like their fathers and grandfathers. Having lots of women is not strength, it is a weakness. Teach them that privilege comes with responsibilities, rights come with duties and there are consequences for the actions they take. Teach them that there is pride in hard work and that respect must be earned. Let them have values and as they seek material wealth let them know that there is so much more to life. African mothers if you have it its time they listened.

African mothers are you not tired of weeping? Are you not tired of crying at the graves of your children as you lose them to wars, and crime? Are you not tired of fighting for scarce resources with your co-wives? Are you not tired of waiting for the promises of the juju-man that never come true? Are you not tired of being left destitute at the death of husband or when he decides to replace you with a younger model and are you not tired of watching the same happening to your daughters? Are you not tired of working all your life with nothing to show for it, and having no gratitude or recognition for it? Are you not tired of others reaping the fruits of your labour?  Are you not tired of being locked in loveless marriages and being treated like dirt.

African mothers tell your daughters the truth. Tell them the harsh realities of life. When you push them to marry for money and status like you did, tell them of the emptiness and hollowness they will have to live with. Tell them of the disappointment and loneliness they will feel when they realise that money does not bring happiness. Tell them about the degradation and humiliation of being just another acquisition. Tell them what it will really cost them. Are you not tired of seeing your daughter being abused and exploited?

Are you not tired having of stronger daughters and weaker sons?  

For generations you have helped to give our men the values that destroy our societies but despite the pain and suffering you still give them these values. African mothers loving your sons is not enough, it’s time to start raising them.