Topic: Efe Omordia

Jack of all trades and master of all

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By Omordia, Efe Alexandra – It is difficult for the average individual to develop a special skill. This is because it takes great endurance to do something over and over again till it comes to the point of near perfection. For example, it could take years for one to dance effortless ballet, be in a country’s national gymnastics team or even become a pioneer in the department of technological advancement. That is why the average adult individual in countries in Europe and America where things are on point would rather pay to see a Mariah Carey perform than strive to... Continue Reading

World’s fastest runners

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By Omordia, Efe Alexandra – The fact that West Africa is home to so much talent is no longer news. However, what is yet to make the headlines is the fact (albeit subjective) that the World’s fastest people reside in the sub-region. Forget what the rankings depict. Right here are a large number of young men and quite a few courageous women who would give people like Usain Bolt, Asafa Powell and the like a run for their money in any race track. These groups of undiscovered sprinters are hardly aware of the gift they possess as they are more... Continue Reading

Armchair Politicians

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By Omordia, Efe Alexandra – During major sporting events one gets to hear from ‘pros’ who  seem to know  everything from how to serve better than a Serena Williams serve-alike in a Wimbledon finals to how to score better goals than a Christiano Ronaldo score-alike in a World Cup equivalent. Opinions from such self-acclaimed experts often go a long way in making champions whom people have idolized for years to suddenly seem like pregnant women who are out on an afternoon stroll.  In such heated moments, one would be inclined to become sanctimonious and join in crucifying the athlete or... Continue Reading

Shotgun freindship

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Omordia, Efe Alexandra – Researches and tabloid headlines tend to highlight our differences. We are constantly bombarded by theories as well as sensational claims that person A or community A are mismatched with Person B or Community B but in our sober and realistic moments, we would all admit that in the things that really matter, human beings are basically the same. How else can one describe the need by the majority to be part of a physical or on-line community?  To be part of groupings that range from the out rightly ridiculous to the absolutely essential. Communities may be... Continue Reading

The House that Biggie built

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By Omordia, Efe Alexandra – Reality shows have not only come to stay but from all appearances we are being haunted as well. We have become zombies, helpless addicts, drawn to endless hours of nonsense but somehow not being able to move an inch once the switch comes on, on our television screens. There is one Reality Show in particular that is taken over the African continent and indeed the world. All it seems to promote is unhealthy hedonistic living as the continent feeds itself on a group of listless group of individuals who spend their days smoking endless cigarettes... Continue Reading