Tanzania: Mixed reactions over Loliondo HIV/AIDS cure

By Elias Mhegera, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – ALTHOUGH thousands of people are still waiting for their turn to go to Loliondo there has been some skepticism from some circles on the ability to cure from the miracle herb.

Bishop Thomas Laizer of the ELCT has been cured by the 'cup' he trusts the herb

Bishop Thomas Laizer of the ELCT has been cured by the 'cup' he trusts the herb

The cure that is to be administered by a single person namely retired pastor Ambilikile Mwaisapile has become a centre of controversy and debates. Already the Arusha Regional Medical Officer (RMO), Dr Salash Toure has doubted about the HIV/Aids treatment from the herb.

“The potent seem to be good at lowering the rate of blood sugar. We had one, just one, patient who was suffering from diabetic diseases who reported here (at Mount Meru Hospital) for testing and true, the blood sugar levels had gone down,” he said.

But he was not fully satisfied if at all the herb could as well cure HIV/Aids “And this is because so far nobody suffering from HIV-Aids has been clinically proved to be healed from the alleged miracle cure,” said the RMO.

Probably the most complicated part of the therapy is that it is a combination of herbal and spiritual elements which some do not concur with whether because they are not inclined to any religious belief or whether there is no slight scientific proof.

But while some in the scientific world are doubtful of the therapy the head of the Northern and Central Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania, Bishop

Bishop Zacharia Kakobe, he does not trust the herb

Bishop Zacharia Kakobe, he does not trust the herb

Thomas Laizer, once said during a press conference that Pastor Mwasapile’s magical cure was a ‘God given gift’.

He defended the cure and that people should use the concoction to eliminate their ailments because it certainly has been proven to work.

But Bishop Zachary Kakobe of the Full Gospel Bible Fellowship (FGBF) ordered his followers not to take that cure; this stance was also supported by some few other clerics including the controversial cleric-cum-politician Rev Christopher Mtikila.

Another commentator was a person who had read the Loliondo cure from Shout Africa.com who had this to say, “A predominating belief will have its flaws exposed and you, a believer, will be mortified. You are in the throes of a crashing belief system, struggling to find meaning in a new paradigm,” he concluded.

But these debates have not reduced the number of patients who are eagerly searching for money in order to meet the journey to and from Loliondo. One doctor who had read the

Retired Inspector General of Police, Omar Mahita, this time he had to salute for the 'cup'

Retired Inspector General of Police, Omar Mahita, this time he had to salute for the 'cup'

Rev Christopher Mtikila he does not trust the herb

Rev Christopher Mtikila he does not trust the herb

The commotion for treatment

The commotion for treatment

report at Shout Africa.com last week contacted this reporter and said the cure could just be temporal and ‘psychological’.

The medical practitioner who preferred anonymity said this is not the first time that ‘miracle pills’ as he termed the herb are resurfacing. Instead he said that such therapies are always administered to either patients suffering from diabetes of pressure complications whether it is high blood pressure or lower blood pressure.

The practitioner who is as well a nutrition expert said that lowering your blood sugar with drugs can be deadlier and more dangerous than not taking the drugs at all. He refers to the results from the 2008 ACCORD study.

The study had conducted a research on the risks for heart attack, stroke, and death in 10,000 diabetic patients. Those who reduced their blood sugar levels the most (to 6.0 percent A1C or lower — considered “great” by doctors) had a higher risk of death compared to patients who did nothing and allowed their blood to rise between 7.0 and 7.9 percent.

As blood sugar levels dropped, more patients were having heart attacks or dying! In fact, the study had to be canceled to protect the remaining participants.

He says at times alkaline diets could be highly recommended for such cases although their cure is temporal due to the fact psychology is associated which always bring new life, and a vibrant personal health to the victims.

The strength of psychology is that a good number of patients from these diseases tend to give up as they are horrified. “Most people who suffer from such diseases do not feel any where near as good as they could,” he asserts.

In fact, he says the vast majority of people in this category feel that their lack of energy and health is just part of the aging process. And they are baffled why they no longer feel as good as they did when they were a child.

One of the most exciting discoveries has been the effect some foods have on the body’s acid-alkaline pH levels when digested. “Regardless of how much you work out and try to eat right, if you can’t balance the acids in your body, you’ll never feel as good as you’d like to be,” says the doctor.

He challenges that often time the diet that we take is acid-producing. And when acidic wastes accumulate, they can cause organs to malfunction and break down. We are forcing our bodies to work with less than optimal inner terrain.

“This creates a fertile breeding ground for various forms of chronic illness that are now experienced by more than half of the adult population,” says the doctor.

If you often feel tired, it’s a safe bet that you are overly acidic. The simple fact is, most people are. You need to counter acidity with alkaline foods as soon as possible.

Eating the proper foods and getting the best nutrients in balance will help you avoid all that – along with the misery and poor quality of life that so often precede death, sometimes by decades.

For Justice, Peace and Development – mhegeraelias@yahoo.com