Opinion: AIDS the greatest crime in medical history. Part 20/20 Brief overview about the Author and AIDS dissidents.

By Johan van Dongen, the Netherlands. About the Author. – After the usual continuing education from 1969 to 1973 Johan van Dongen followed the Biotechnology Educational Program at the Department of Experimental Surgery at the University of  Leiden, the Netherlands, where his mentor, Dr. H. Stol handing him his diploma in 1973. The training he received to experimental micro-surgeon in General Surgery at the University Hospital and Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, is completed in 1976 after which he became head of the Experimental Microsurgery Unit of the Departments of Pathology /Immunology/General Surgery at the University of Maastricht. He performed thousands of heart, kidney, liver and intestine transplants, and overall made serums and vaccines to the immunity of animals to manipulate. From 1978 to 1982 he taught at the Department of Nursing at St. Annadal Hospital Maastricht, the Netherlands, where he taught the subject Transplantation Biology.

From 1995 to 1997 he worked as a Research Assistant at the pharmaceutical division of Solvay Duphar, Weesp, the Netherlands, where his idea “Artificial Rat or MD PVC-rat, led by Prof. R. Remie, and has come to reality in order to replace and reduce the use of animals, for which he was awarded by the Dutch Ministry of Health and the National Committee of Alternatives for animal experiments.

Johan van Dongen gave courses in Experimental Microsurgery, transplantation immunology and biology at the Universities of Stuttgart, Heidelberg and Mannheim, Germany, the University of Aarhus, Denmark, the University of Mexico City, Mexico and at the Universities of Exeter, Cambridge, Nottingham, London and Keele, England.

He worked to support the emergence of more than fifty scientific dissertations in department’s immunology, surgery, pharmacology, anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, physiology, and laboratory animal science and is well-known as Micro surgeon, Author, founder, lecturer, Philosopher and inventor of:

* Manual of Microsurgery on the Laboratory rat (book 293 pages)

*Aids the greatest crime in medical history (book 296 pages)

* Pleaded for the ape (book 246 pages)

*Inventor of the Microsurgical Developments MD PVC rat

* Inventor of the anastomosis simulator

*Co founder of the Microsurgical Development Foundation MD

*Founder and director of the Micro Educational Institute MEI

*Head, Lecturer and coordinator of the First Dutch National and International

Individual Post Graduate Course University of Maastricht, the Netherlands

*Lecturer and coordinator of the National and International Experimental

Course in Microsurgery University of Utrecht the Netherlands

*Head of the Department of Microsurgery University of Maastricht

Part 20 the Final Publication. AIDS dissidents -When I was started as a co-founder of the Micro Surgical Development Foundation and putting the finishing touches to the book Manual of Micro Surgery on the Laboratory Rat and the artificial devices MD PVC Rat and anastomosis simulator – devices for micro-surgical experimental techniques without the use of animals-, I knew that I was deciding to leave a medical/ pharmacological establishment that is as corrupt as its size.

Fraud, plagiarism, theft -of intellectual property too-, intimidation, threats and dismissals in the medical and pharmaceutical business line, if you have anything against it, is the order of the day. Even in a well respected country as the Netherlands. To choose between integrity and crime had been no problem for me, I chose the first even though I knew it would be an uphill battle. I became a whistleblower at the age of 43 inside the pharmacological and medical establishments and dismissed at the age of 48. But, through my experience I had gained in immunology, surgery, pharmacology, anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology and physiology, I could research the origin and spread of AIDS and achieve the final conclusion that AIDS is caused by man.

Almost all experiments on animals that I’ve done seem unnecessary and serve only as a cloak for criminal tests on people in third world countries and especially in Africa. Of course there are white people who are paid to borrow for testing drugs and vaccines by the pharmaceutical industry, but in Africa it is easier to buy the military and governments. It is indeed a huge array of people and in areas where unrest has continued and a (civil) war rages is no control possible.

Within this series of 20 articles I have tried to give the readers an overview of my books: ‘Pleading for the ape’, the truth behind HIV/Aids and other infections (1997), Dutch title: ‘Pleidooi voor de aap’ de waarheid achter aids en andere virusinfecties, and ‘Aids the greatest crime in medical history(2003), Dutch title: Aids de grootste misdaad in de medische geschiedenis.  All articles have been published in the opinion-section of Shout-africa.com.

In my opinion the aids establishment and media want you to think there are only several scientists like me who doubt the HIV/AIDStheory. As far as the Netherlands is concerned yes I am the only one. But the world reality is a total other story. There is a list of notable people in Africa whose doubts about the origin and spread of aids are publicly known. The list for Africa:

1. Anthony Brink

2. Anita Allen

3. President Thabo Mbeki

4. Dr Manto Tshabalala-Msimang

5. Dr Matthias Rath

6. Dr David Rasnick

7. Dr Roberto Giraldo

8. Prof. Sam Mhlongo

9. Minister Essop Pahad

10. Sibongile Manana MP

11. Christine Qunta

12. Ronald Suresh Roberts


And as far as aids dissidents worldwide are concerned please take notice of the following websites:




There you have it. No handful of wild-eyed conspiracy theorists. No right-wing racists, as the Aids industry’s spinmeisters would have you believe. Just 2,775 and many more unknown or undercover working very serious, concerned, highly educated people from every corner of the globe who sense that an enormous tragedy is unfolding due to the medical establishment’s unwillingness to face the evidence that the HIV/AIDStheory is a mistake.

The people on this page were intellectually curious enough to have sought out and studied the arguments that discredit the HIV/AIDS theory. Since the mass media and professional journals censor these arguments, the vast majority of doctors and scientists, although decent people who want to do the right thing, have never been exposed to them, and so accept the biased conclusions of politicized bureaucracies like the CDC and WHO, whose coziness with the drug industry is legendary and whose recommendations always seems to dovetail perfectly with drug industry marketing plans. Were it not for the massive media blackout of information that contradicts the Hiv theory, many more people would be asking the following tough questions and answers.

*The next time you hear the media say, “only a handful of scientists doubt HIV’s role in Aids,” refer them to this websites and articles. Explain to them that it is wrong to misrepresent the fact that there is enormous dissent to the HIV/AIDS paradigm.

*The next time you hear the media drone, “HIV, the virus that causes Aids,” remind them that journalists are supposed to distinguish between what is a theory and what is a fact. That HIV/AIDS is only a theory and has never been proven, is admitted by top scientists even in the Aids establishment, refer them to this websites and articles.

*The next time the media announce that tens of millions of people are dying from HIV in Africa, ask them how they know that. Remind them that journalists are supposed to question dubious assertions from powerful, drug-industry funded agencies like the WHO, not parrot them as if they were indisputable and refer them to this websites and articles. Ask them why they report these numbers as if they were actual AIDS cases, when in fact they are projections made by WHO’s computer programs, based on very questionable statistical methodologies and contradicted by many facts including the continual large population increases experienced in the countries supposedly worst affected.

Request that the media stop twisting the truth in support of a politicized, entrenched AIDS establishment that profits financially by terrorizing people, pokes its nose shamelessly into people’s private sex lives, compels people to submit to inaccurate tests and literally forces mothers and babies to swallow toxic, unproven chemotherapy drugs with horrific, often-fatal side effects.

Explain to them that this is irresponsible, and that such actions cause needless anxiety, shatter people’s lives, tear families apart, destroy hope and trigger countless suicides. And that while we realize that sensational headlines about “killer viruses” sell newspapers, the social cost of these profits is unacceptable.

Make the media understand that keeping people in the dark about the large number of credentialed dissenters to the HIV/AIDS dogmas, and the financial conflicts of interest that are rampant among HIV/AIDS scientists and NGOs, is a violation of everyone’s human right to informed consent and freedom of information.

Here is a link to my previous articles;

Part 1 here,
Part 2 here, Part 3 here, Part 4 here, Part 5 here, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 8 here, Part 9 here, Part 10 here, Part 11 here, Part 12 herePart 13 herePart 14 herePart 15 herePart 16 here ,Part 17 herePart 18 here, Part 19 here